Archive for the ‘team’ Category

TEAM (x3) For Time:

150 x Goblet Squat (20 / 16kg)
150 x Wall Balls (9 / 6kg)
100 x Handstand Push Up

Times to Comment below.

1100hrs Whaley Club


Bring a Camera.


Team WOD today.

As a pair, For Time:

150 Pull Ups
150 Sandbag Squats (25 /15)

While Kettlebell Hold (20/14)

KB must be held in front of chest while Pull Ups and Squats are completed.

If KB touches the ground, 5 Burpee penalty for both.

Break Up the Pull Ups and Squats as you see fit between the pair.

1100hrs Whaley Club.


Brilliant team performance. Those KB holds were a killer.
